About Me

My PhotoI'm Carlos Killpack I like music, I guess you could even say its my addiction. That being said it shouldn't be much surprise to hear that I host a radio show called Indie Invasion. (Which is, by the way, the greatest radio show on earth) I play the drums and the guitar. I play football and I am Mormon, meaning that I belong to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. The purpose of writing this blog is to ponder the mysteries of the Universe and share my views of them, (cool right) therefore the topics discussed here can vary widely. Each post is filed under one or more of the categories at the top right. Please enjoy.
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Pondering Life, the Universe, and Everything

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

It's Earth Day

Today is Earth Day, a holiday that really should be celebrated everyday. We live on this Earth and we should be grateful for it everyday and we must share the responsibility for it's health. We must do everything that we can to ensure the continued health of our home. Luckily there are many simple things that we can do. The simplest of which would be to create a more widespread recycling system. The first thing to do would be to integrate recycling into the school systems because they use so much paper the mostly ends up in a landfill, it could be recycled and turned back into useful products. A more complex solution would be to increase research into the area of alternative fuel sources so that we can get away from oil, not only for political freedom, so that we can let the air clean itself up. (Its not like we can do much to speed up the process)

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