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My PhotoI'm Carlos Killpack I like music, I guess you could even say its my addiction. That being said it shouldn't be much surprise to hear that I host a radio show called Indie Invasion. (Which is, by the way, the greatest radio show on earth) I play the drums and the guitar. I play football and I am Mormon, meaning that I belong to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. The purpose of writing this blog is to ponder the mysteries of the Universe and share my views of them, (cool right) therefore the topics discussed here can vary widely. Each post is filed under one or more of the categories at the top right. Please enjoy.
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Pondering Life, the Universe, and Everything

Friday, August 17, 2007

Essay: Justice

Justice is fairness it is a very important thing for governments to have and without justice a government would fall. Justice is the basis of our court system and if someone is taken to court that person has a fair trial with an unbiased jury and a fair judge. Law is meant to uphold justice without law justice is difficult to find. There is very little justice in chaos but in law there is often justice. In the United States there is justice everywhere. The sixth amendment guarantees us the right to a just and fair trial, this is one of the many reasons that the United States is such a nice place to live. Justice and Fairness are almost synonymous if there is fairness there is justice and justice is fairness. If there was no justice fairness could not exist for if there was fairness there would be justice. To be just is to see all sides of an issue and make a decision based upon what would be beneficial to all parties involved.

The sixth amendment says in part “...the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury…” This means that in any court of the United States if someone is sent to court then they are always allowed a fair trial with an unbiased jury and fair judge. The United States in one of the greatest places on earth and one of the foremost reasons for that is the fair court system. In a court hearing the jury is chosen almost randomly. Anyone called to serve in the jury who has a connection to anyone involved in the case is asked to leave the jury in order to keep the jury evenhanded. The decision of the court is based entirely upon the evidence presented by the prosecutor and the defendant’s counsel. The judge is not always as unbiased as the jury but in most cases the judge makes just rulings.

Justice is synonymous with fairness if someone is said to be fair then that person is in all likelihood also just. Fairness and justice are synonymous in that fairness is deciding while seeing all sides of an issue and making a decision that benefits all involved as much as possible. Fairness and justice are one and the same in that if a judge is fair he makes just rulings. Fairness and justice are identical in that if a decision is reached that is considered fair that decision could also be considered just. The point of this comparison is to show that if one is fair one is also just. Justice and fairness are nearly the same with the exception that they are typically used in different contexts. Fairness can be used to indicate equality. If the law is just, which it often is, then it affects all equally, and therefore it is akin to fairness.

Seeing all of the sides of an issue and deciding based upon what would treat the parties equally is a just act. If a person makes these decisions consistently that person would live a just life. Not all people can do this but those who can lead very good lives and make extremely effective judges. This trait is something that many may benefit from because there are many judges with this ability and it allows them to make good decisions more easily. These decisions lead to people being treated equally and the world becoming a better place to live. This trait is something that the majority of judges have because it allows them to see all sides of an issue and not become biased during a court hearing. This view of things makes justice quite simple, and that simplicity is very useful in this unfair, unjust, and loophole seeking world.

Justice is simple, fair, multi-sided, and equal. Justice is like the law it affects all involved equally. Justice is unbiased it is unchanged regardless of the people involved. It is seeing all of the sides of and issue and making a decision that benefits all involved as equally as possible. Justice is nearly the same as fairness, without fairness justice would not exist, and is justice exists then fairness exists. Justice treats everyone equally it has no preferences, biases, of prejudices. Justice is therefore a fair thing. If the world were completely just there would be no need for wars, political arguments, and needless squabbles because everyone would understand how these things would affect the world and attempt to avoid them to keep the world fair. Justice all over the world would also cause those who are now poor to be able to live relatively comfortably.

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